Frequently Asked Questions

Have some questions? Our Frequently Asked Questions has got the answers. If you couldn’t find what you were looking for, please give us a call and we’d be happy to help you out.

Your customer support coordinator will contact you to make a time to sign your contract once you have completed the customisation phase. The appointment will generally take three to four hours of your time.

Standard inclusions are fixtures and features that are included in the price of your new home. Any of these items can be upgraded to meet your lifestyle and budget. These upgrades can be chosen and ordered at your Excel Buildtech Homes Studio appointment.

Property investment is a tried-and-true investment option that’s historically proven to be more stable and more predictable than many other investments. Overall property values rarely fluctuate like the stock market can, and most often increase, so you’ll likely benefit from a good return on your investment and stable cash flow from incoming rent payments.

We don't supply landscaping services, however, we are more than happy to recommend a local supplier that will suit your requirements. Ask your Site Manager to provide you with the contact information for a recommended landscaper.

As per building regulations, downpipes are placed every 12 lineal metres around the home.

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